What Paula enjoys most is working with other students. In the first and second year, there are all kinds of group projects during which you can learn from each other, and look at various topics from different perspectives. The joint PGO lessons actively involves you with the subject matter for the exam. “Thanks to this method, we’re already studying for our exams throughout the period, without even realising it."
Student story Paula
Paula had always been passionate about animals, and really wanted to work in the sector.

After visiting the open day and participating in a trial study day, she enthusiastically chose to study Animal Husbandry at HAS green academy.
Getting my foundation year certificate confirmed that I had chosen the right course.
Group projects
Minor and internships
During your studies, you’ll be given the opportunity to study different sectors in depth, in the form of minors and internships. Paula followed a minor in finance at Utrecht University, which she completed with an average mark of 8. Paula: ''In the third academic year, you’re completely free to choose what you want to do. You can decide to follow a minor for half a year or a quarter of a year. You can choose this minor yourself; you could learn something like Spanish for six months."
Paula completed internships at a dairy farm, a pet shop, the Southern Agriculture and Horticulture Organization (ZLTO), and a veterinary clinic in Belgium. All this practical experience made Paula realise that her interests lay in animal husbandry. “I actually grew up on a pig farm, but after my internships I opted for dairy cattle. During an internship, you also learn which activities you like best; working with your sleeves rolled up in practice, office work, or visiting different livestock farms as a consultant.” Her internship at the dairy farm went so well that she was offered an exciting part-time job.
Foundation year
''I quickly obtained my foundation year certificate. This moment was one of relief and even more so of pride.” Paula found the first year of a new study programme at a new university challenging, and was worried if everything would turn out ok. Obtaining her foundation year certificate confirmed that she had chosen the right course.