The other nominees Yael van Leijenhorst and Abdyyunus Isayev wrote captivating essays.
Yael about her essay: “My essay tells the story of a woman who built a fair, sustainable supermarket chain, transforming the Dutch food system. Her business model supported farmers, provided affordable housing, and fostered community-driven impact. Over time, her vision expanded beyond food into social change. She urges people to pursue bold ideas and measure success by their positive impact on others around you, instead of just money.”
Abdyyunus constructed an engaging story: "My story was about my vision of a future-proof agricultural system in the Netherlands and what is my own role in this. I highlighted a future where innovation and sustainability go hand in hand. Despite all the current challenges such as political struggles, environmental and social challenges, sustainability will be achieved with one step at a time and every individual has a role in it. In this vision, I saw myself embracing the role of an advocate for sustainable innovation, working to bridge the gap between technology and farming communities.”
The jury, composed of Adri den Dekker (former Director of Procurement, Agriculture, and Sustainability at HAK), Frederike Praasterink (Professor of Future Food Systems), and Joachim Nieuwhoff (Procurement Director at HAK), selected Juan as the winner.